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Seishin-Do Karate Systems - Yonkers NY

The Following principles must be carefully considered and understood. They are the underlying factors most important to survival in an actual street confrontation.


Even in a place you know is safe, unexpected emergencies can arise. You don't need to be conspicuous, just alert and prepared. When walking alone at night. don't walk next to a line of dark doorways or parked cars. Always allow yourself a  "reaction space". In strange indoor surroundings, avoid being far from a door or other escape routes. If possible, position yourself with a wall behind you. When speaking with two several strangers at once, avoid positioning yourself between them. If a suspicious character asks you the time, don't lower your eyes. Extend your hand out and let him look at the watch. Don't take unnecessary chances. All of your skill, all of your power and all of your training might get you nothing if you are taken by surprise. Always be alert!


The human nervous system cannot discern between actual and imagined experiences. Take a few minutes to regularly visualize simple, common attacks and then impress upon your imagination the most vivid, effective responses you can think of. By utilizing this mental review, you will begin to develop a state of psychological preparedness. This will reduce the likelihood of panic, and increase your chances of responding properly to an actual confrontation. Just as important as mental review, however, is the maintenance and training of the body to react quickly, confidently and effectively to an assault. Many good self-defense techniques require only moderate strength, but physical rehearsal is imperative to develop reflexes, timing, accuracy and confidence.


Reasoning with a troublemaker or talking your way out of a situation are preferable to an actual situation for obvious reasons. However, once the aggressor has committed himself to physical violence, the time for words has passed. There is really nothing to be said to an assailant, other than perhaps, "I don't want any trouble" Don't bluff or threaten. These are ploys of the desperate & frightened and any experienced attacker will know by instinct. Particularly avoid any hint of your abilities. Forewarning is only  forearming. The chances that it will scare the attacker off are slim. In addition, if the assailant really wants trouble there's a good chance he or she will interpret any warning from you as a direct challenge, no matter how you try to express yourself. When an attack is imminent, don't wait to absorb a first strike. Defend yourself with only that force necessary to stop the attack. Do not continue to defend yourself after the attacker has been subdued or you run the risk of becoming the attacker in the eyes of the law. (See "self-defense and the law" below.)


If you are forced info a fight, expect to absorb punishment both physically and mentally during and after the attack. The idea of your self-defense training is to minimize, not eliminate, the extent of injuries to you and your attacker in an actual combative situation. It is to allow you to ultimately extricate yourself from the situation you are in.


Any technique you may execute has a potential for benefit and a potential for risk. If you are close enough to hit your opponent then you are equally at risk of being hit. There are many techniques you can use that limit the possibility of you being hit in return such as well aimed hand techniques and low kicks. These techniques mentioned offer a higher a high degree of benefit with a low level of risk. High kicks and punches thrown with the intention of knocking someone out are considered high "risk benefit" techniques. While the latter techniques are effective and impressive in tournament competition, they are poor choices in an actual fighting situation. Don't waste time punching and kicking your attacker where it will do no good. You must attack vital areas fast and with pinpoint accuracy. Once you have stunned a serious attacker, get as far away as possible as fast as you can. If you continue to fight, you may find yourself in more trouble than you would expect. (See "self-defense and the law" below.)


Once your attacker takes you to the ground you are at an immediate disadvantage. First of all, you lose the ability to execute effective kicks and punches. Just like a gun with out bullets, your kicks and punches will not work well for you if you are on the ground. Also, if a second is present, you are in big trouble. Finally, you lose the ability to make a mobile escape. If you find yourself on the ground while defending yourself, get up as quickly as possible. Also, be aware of possible escape routes and don't hesitate to use them once you have neutralized the attack.


It's important to know the various laws regarding the distinction between the seriousness of an attack and the reaction of a trained karateka. Laws exist defining self-defense vs assault and battery vs justifiable retaliation etc... All of these are examined as an integrated part of of the training program at the Seishin-Do Karate School. However, lack of expertise in any of these areas should not prevent action when you genuinely feel your life is in immediate danger. While justified force could mean anything from a kick to the groin to different types of immobilization's, deadly force is any use of technique or weapons that can be construed to cause great bodily harm as well as death. Remember two important facts:

A:  Karate techniques were designed to be devastating and lethal.

B: You are responsible for the end result caused by your primary actions.

If you kick your assailant in the groin and he falls down hitting his head on the curb and dies or is seriously injured, you are responsible and justification for your action had better be strong.

It takes many years to develop some karate techniques so you can use them without hesitation if necessary. However, it takes many more years to learn to make that split second decision to use or not to use various amounts of force in a given situation. Know your rights and the law.

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